Directions by car

Anreise per PKW




Directions by car

Coming from Düsseldorf on A52 in direction Essen please take the exit "Essen-Süd", exit Nr. 29. Please follow the course of the road in direction “Zentrum/ Uni”. Now you follow "Richard-Wagner-Straße" which leads into "Helbingstraße". Remain on this street and drive in direction "Altenessen/ Uni" or "City-Ring". Thus, you head to "Bernestraße", which leads into "Schützenbahn". Follow the signs to "Altenessen" and remain on "Schützenbahn". There you drive through a tunnel. Directly after the tunnel exit you turn right at the next traffic lights into "Gerlingstraße". Then take the next opportunity to do a U-turn and then turn right into "Waldhausenstraße", from which you reach the Laboratory on the right side in the building SL, room 011.

Coming from Dortmund/Bochum on A40please take the exit "Essen-Frillendorf", exit Nr. 26. Drive along "Frillendorfer Straße" in direction "Bottrop/ Uni", until reaching the second traffic lights. Turn right into "Burggrafenstraße", then turn left into "Gerlingstaße" after the second traffic lights (direction "Zentrum"). After approx. 800 meters turn right into "Waldhausenstraße", from which you reach the Laboratory on the right side in the building SL, room 011.

Coming from Duisburg on A40please take the exit "Essen-Zentrum-Ost", exit Nr. 23. Drive in direction "Altenessen/ Uni" and follow the course of the road "Bernestraße" which leads into "Schützenbahn". Follow the signs in direction "Altenessen" and don´t leave "Schützenbahn". There you drive through a tunnel. Directly after the tunnel exit you turn right at the next traffic lights into "Gerlingstraße". Then take the next opportunity to do a U-turn and then turn right into "Waldhausenstraße", from which you reach the Laboratory on the right side in the building SL, room 011.


There is a possibility to park near the office building at the roadside ("Gerlingstraße" or "Waldthausenstraße"). Please have a look at our position plan of Campus Schützenbahn.