Directions by public transportation

Directions by public transportation

Directions by public transportation

To get to the elfe by public transport use tram line 106 (direction "Altenessen Bf") or line 107 (direction "Gelsenkirchen Hbf") from Essen main station. Trams depart every 10 minutes and it takes about 4 minutes to get to "Viehofer Platz". There, take the exit "Stoppenberger Straße". Turn left after the escalator. Use the pedestrian lights to your left and follow the footpath to the main entrance straight ahead. Enter the building of Campus Schützenbahn (old building). Walk across this building. Now you are on "Waldthausenstraße". Turn right. After 30 metres, on the left hand side, you will find the Essen Laboratory for Experimental Economics in building SL, room 011.